As a parent of four current school-aged children, the existence of Be The Change will be a light and a beacon of hope for students who need a smaller environment to thrive.
Susan C., Parent
I believe that Be The Change's four core values of Confidence, Identity, Community, and Civic Engagement will create an environment of belonging, a critical element to human mental health.
Bre Donnelly, LCSW
Founder and Executive Director, Joy as Resistance
We Support Be The Change Community School because of its unique educational program, its social-emotional and behavioral support for teens, and the focus on additive problem-based learning. We believe this school meets a need in the community and will strengthen the district's reach. Be The Change Community School is a school with whom we would be proud to partner.
Kimberlee Sia, President & CEO
Colorado, I Have a Dream Foundation
As a teacher, parents ask me all the time about school options as their children move into middle and high school. The values and mission that BTCCS are based on do not exist in any school in Adams County.
Community Member and Educator
The world is ours, and we must educate and foster the scholars, writers, artists, and innovators who will build a just and equitable world. We feel strongly that a [school] such as Be The Change Community School is needed to support Commerce City learners achieve academic success and long-term agency.
Wisdom Amouzou and Olivia Jones,
APS High School Founders
The academic model fully supports research backed educational models that build a strong foundation of self confidence in young people. It is not only exciting but necessary to see a school that is designed for students' academic success and agency.
Charla Agnolotti, Public Achievement Director - CU Engage, University of Colorado Boulder
...this idea that students know their value, their inherent worthiness, where they are in this present moment, and not only who they can be in the future.
Too often, schools only talk about the future. I want students to know their worth now, in a deep embodied love in their bones, so when there are disruptions outside of them, they don't forget who they are.
Community Design Team Member
Our kids need a bigger focus on their identities and diversity ... and learning how these are strengths.
Speaking two languages is a strength. We need to bring this to light.
Commerce City Community Member
Be the Change Community School is a school that is specifically designed to address the inequitable system by valuing students for who they are and celebrating their backgrounds through building a stronger community. Confidence, Identity, Community, and Civic Engagement are the values of Be The Change, and fostering these in young people would undoubtedly make a lasting impact on our community.