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A Day in the Life of a Be The Change Student

Honoring the indigenous ancestry of our community, student modules are named using terms from the Nahuatl language.

Below outlines a traditional school day at BTCCS: 

  • 8:00 am- Calli (house)

    • The day begins with community building over a shared breakfast between Change Agents and Cultivators within the Change Agents’ calli, which is similar to an advisory block. This is a time focused on preparing mentally for the day and Cultivators are engaging in an informal way while gauging the social/emotional space of Change Agents. 

  • 8:24 am- Ollin (Spark of Creation) Blocks 

    • Change Agents participate in two separate 90-minute core content (ELA, SCI, SS, MA) classes daily. Each core content class is taught separately, similar to traditional schools, however ELA, MA, and SCI are instructed through the lens of the shared problem for the unit with Integrated Content/Language Development. SEL is woven into content through the implementation of the Ready for Rigor Framework. 

  • 11:28 am- Calpulli (Community)

    • Lunch

  • 12:07 pm- Tiahui (Move Forward) Targeted Intervention, Support, and Acceleration Blocks

    • Change agents participate in two 45-minute classes consisting of various MTSS Tier 2 and 3 intervention classes, ELD, SPED, and/or gifted programming.

  • 1:45 pm- Yōcoya (Create) Creativity Blocks

    • Change agents participate in various electives including World Language, PE, Work Study/Internships and/or electives programming with community organizations.

  • 3:23 pm- Calmeca (Future)

    • Cultivators and Change Agents participate in reflection, celebration, and goal setting while closing out the day on a positive note within the Change Agents’ calli.

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